Mungo Jerry
Impala Saga
Written by: Ray Dorset

I used to have a little brother, It wouldn't go any faster
So i changed it for a Dragster, but it got stolen by a gangster
When I was paid up the insurance, I bought a Jaguar
I had a bad knock, and then I lost my licence
I treid to sell it for a profit, but I never even got it
Although I advertised it, He never dared to justify it
I think I made a bad move-plus, I paid the cheque see
For only sex months, and they repossessed it
I had to pick another motor, I've been lokking for some photos
I've been trying to get a Dauphin
Have You a shiny sports car?

I used to be a gambler
I'll get some medals as a runner, before they excorise us
I used to win alot of prizes, I was the champion of heavyweight
I'd go six before the big fight, Oh well once I got a tumble
But me Irene'e said no er, She said I'd mess my face up
Said She'd never love a trainer