Hank Thompson
Then I’ll Start Believing in You
(Twinkle, twinkle, little star)

[Verse 1]
Tell me how the cow jumped over the moon
How the little lady lived in a shoe
How Jack on the beanstalk climbed to the sky
Then I’ll start believing in you

[Verse 2]
Tell me how Jack Horner got a plumb from his thumb
And how Humpty Dumpty fell
I’m a lot more able to believe in a fable
Than all the other stories you tell

[Verse 3]
You got a new fur coat and you told me quote
You won it at a Stanley party
Stanley must be quite a guy and his parties sure run high
Cause the price tag read four-hundred and forty
(What Party?)

[Verse 4]
So tell me Cinderella did you get your fella
Just by losing your shoe
When I’ve got the time to believe in nursery rhymes
Then I’ll start believing in you

[Verse 5]
You come home the other day from the PTA
With your hair a little damp and beaten
Now, they don't wear bikinis and hand out martinis
Down at the school house meeting
(So neaten)

[Verse 6]
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie
Every little verse I know
When I believe there’s truth in old mother goose
Then I’ll start believing in you

Then I’ll start believing in you
(Mary had a little lamb)