Nancy Wilson
The Grass Is Greener
[Verse 1]
Let's go where the grass is greener
For is the grass is greener just beyond the hill
We'll laugh it up at troubles there, no one bursting bubbles there
Day after day we'll have thrill after thrill

[Verse 2]
So let's go where the grass is greener
Where the grass is greener and skies are ever blue
To the East, to the West, either one is the bеst
For the grass is greener anywherе with you

We'll laugh it up at troubles there, no one bursting bubbles there
Day after day we'll have thrill after thrill

[Verse 3]
Let's go where the grass is greener
Where the grass is greener and skies are ever blue
To the East, to the West, either one is the best
For the grass is greener anywhere with you