Mount Eerie
Blue Light on the Floor
[Verse 1]
Instead of roaring, rolling around
Going on about the world I know
In which The Universe tears holes into our little lives
And the far moon and the dark night

[Verse 2]
Are the distances shown
Huge and cold
Wide, harsh
And terrified

[Verse 3]
Now, where I live
The black night is built up
In layers of arches
Like a mountain of blankets above me in the snow

[Verse 4]
And I say
"Hello Moon, out the window
You are nothing to me
But some blue light in my house."

[Verse 5: "The Moon"]
"Hello, little man in the house
Glancing out the window and going to bed
This is the mountain above your roof
This is the space above your head
I know you're comfortable in there
Being content with what you have
Saying 'No more hunting. This is it'
And sitting still for good
But you must come reconcile with me
I am the space above your head
The dark, unfolding mystery
Come out, come out and see
What you don't know."