ANDRÓMEDA (English translation)
[Lyrics of 'ANDRÓMEDA']

You have to be brave to fight with your shadow

[Verse 1]
Am I not the same? Obviously I change
If another music plays, I dance differently
I do have the balls to take responsability
I adapt, I fly, I kidnap, I don’t escape from contact
Everything’s so hard, and life is fragile
I know I’m made of glass and I can easily break
I don’t have delirium but almost
I don’t have delirium but… I know that
There’s hits I can take and others not so much
And if I fall, I don’t get up
Today I wanna sleep curled up like a cat
Show up in my dreams at least, so we can chat for a while
And it’s not hard to admit, that even though I dedicate to words today I have nothing to say
What’s thе point in lying?
I rather feel the anguish and the еmptiness of existing, yes
I want to die, but I don’t know how
I want to live, but I don’t know how much
Dying knowing how shitty we are
Living until the spell wears off

I’m sorry, my love, if this hurt you
I wanted to die of love, but I couldn’t
Maybe I’m only thinking about myself and my wellbeing
And that may be the only thing that stops me from loving
I can’t love, can’t I love?
Or I just don’t love like everyone else loves?
How do you love? We have to love?
We have to disarm the precepts made and throw ourselves into the sea

[Verse 2]
Money? Of course I want it
But life it’s such a flash to think only about money
If I’m alone, why would I want to be first?
It depresses me to imagine myself sleeping alone with my ego
How do you not want me to have a little flavor?
If that girl gave me a kiss and then asked me for a picture
I don’t even know how real what I touch is
Someone gets closer and I build a fence so I don’t drive myself crazy
They ask me: “Is everything okay?”, they know everything’s going bad
I answer: "All good”, because I know they don’t really care
I’m not asking you to put yourself in my shoes
Yours are enough and that’s a lot to face

Then don’t dedicate yourself to talk
The thing it’s already fucked so you also come and judge
You saw an innocent look on my face and know you want to be daring
This time I’ll break your neck and I mean it
I’ve been fighting the truth for some time
So no idiot will steal my cake
I’ll make it short, if the knife doesn’t cut I’ll slice it with my hands
Your so called truth tastes like shit
Everything dies, everything comes back, everything transforms
But you’re scared of breaking the norms
Of bearing the bombs, that unsettles you
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow

You have to be brave to fight with your shadow
You have to be brave to fight with your shadow