Quenton Revis
Dark As Day
I walked out the door
I walked down the street
I don't know if God's here anymore
Does he have time for me?
If He left, will He ever come back?
Where am I going? Why did the sky turn black?

[Verse 1]
I'm going Cypress Hill, I'm insane
But I guess it was worth it if my pain entertains
I'm walking down the street, no destination
Just looking around God's creations
Questioning if that's where they came from
God, you still there? I feel like you're not
Will this pain ever ever ever stop?
My life is falling apart, and you're all I really got
But I feel like you followed Kenny and Scott
Have I lost my salvation? Have I lost You?
Hell is below and around me, what can I do?
I heard you're always by my side, is it true?
Because I'm turning my head and I feel like T.I
Not saying you dead & gone, but it feels like it
I'd fear that I'm going to Hell if I wasn't inside it
Can't lie, if I was offered an escape I would light it
They saying pray to you but I've tried it
I'm still laying on this couch crying
Feel like all the Bible did was lie and

I'm lost

[Verse 2]
I'm going crazy, did you die on the cross?
Are you still there? Do you hear me?
Do you understand me clearly?
I thought I had this figured out
Now every time I read my Bible I doubt
It just doesn't make sense, why'd you disappear?
What happened to you saying that you'd always be here?
All I can do is wipe this tear, of course there's an evil I fear
Are you with me? Are you with me?
Have I gone too far? Can you forgive me?
You said to draw to you and you'd be near me!
Did you mean that? Did you really?
Because I feel so distant, and maybe I'm not as close to you as I could be
But I still just wish I could see - you
What do I do, when I'm feeling all alone and start questioning the truth?
Show yourself! Maybe then I'll have an answer to this question
Maybe then I can be at peace and get some rest in!
I'm dying inside, I don't know if you're paying attention!
But I need you... come back... sincerely, Quenton..