Man on the Internet
Keemstar’s “Alex is a stupid nigger” Stream on BlogTV but full version
I'm- Okay:
Fuck this
I'm on BlogTV with my fucking hands up
I'm not starting my-fucking-self
You fucking stupid bitch. This stupid fucking justice, All fucking righteous fucking nigger, Alex is doing this shit
You fucking nigger
I swear to fucking god I'm gonna find out-

Yo, everybody type in the chat: "Alex is a stupid nigger"
Just type in the chat: "Alex is a stupid nigger"
Fuck him
Fuck him

(Part 2, Indicated Self)

Hmm... Yeah, but scott- Scott beer guy was sent to jail, after being harrassed in the chat by numerous people calling him "a cracker" and a "honky" over and over again. Not one mod who "banned" these people. All right. He was being harrassed, He was pic- They were picking on his race, and when kazoo did it, He responded with the word "NIGGER" and got sent to jail... He was unjustly sent to jail, it's the definition of harrassment. HE shouldn't be in jail, Scott!

In fact, y'know what?! I'm moving ALL OF MAINE right NOW to jail. We're all going to jail. We'll come back, to Maine. And make sure we poop-all-you FAGGOTS-OFF, the only way YOU'RE getting true airtime is by camming up in jail...