William Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida (Characters of the Play)
                                     DRAMATIS PERSONAE

PRIAM, King of Troy
HECTOR, Priam's son
TROILUS, Priam's son
PARIS, Priam's son
DEIPHOBUS, Priam's son
HELENUS, Priam's son

MARGARELON, a bastard son of Priam

AENEAS, Trojan commander
ANTENOR, Trojan commander

CALCHAS, a Trojan priest, taking part with the Greeks
PANDARUS, uncle to Cressida
AGAMEMNON, the Greek general
MENELAUS, brother to Agamemnon

ACHILLES, Greek commander
AJAX, Greek commander
ULYSSES, Greek commander
NESTOR, Greek commander
DIOMEDES, Greek commander
PATROCLUS, Greek commander