Kanye West
I Broke My Nuts. (Ft. LilSexOffender)(
...This LilDooDooStain...
[Verse 1]
Last night, I did nut's - to - butt's with a Homeless man
I nutted, and asked for a payment, and he gave me a hand full of sand from my backyard. I said "No you retard, I need cash." he said " I don't have any" So I said "Give me that ass"

[Verse 2]
A while later, my ex-wife came back for a round, she got new titties, &atrumental]
Mp; each weighed 40 pounds

[Verse 3]
So the Homeless man, got pretty mad that I made him do nuts'-to'butt's, so he robbed a hooker and hired a hitman to come break my nuts. So he broke into my house while I was watching hentai, he took a hammеr & smashed my nuts. Now I can't fuck homeless mеn
