Emily Dickinson
Letter 300 (about 1864 - Franklin: December 1861) Samuel Bowles
How hard to thank you - but the large Heart requites itself. Please to need me - I wanted to ask you to receive Mr Browning - from me - but you denied my Bronte - so I did not dare - Is it too late - now? I should like so much, to remind you - how kind you had been to me.

You could choose - as you did before - if it would not be obnoxious - except where you "measured by your heart," you should measure - this time - by mine. I wonder which would be biggest!

Austin told - Saturday morning - that you were not so well. 'Twas Sundown - all day - Saturday - and Sunday - such a long Bridge - no news of you - could cross! Teach us to miss you less - because the fear to miss you more - haunts us - all the time. We did'nt care so much - once - I wish it was then - now - but you kept tightening - so - it cant be stirred - today - You did'nt mean to be worse - did you? Was'nt it a mistake? Wont you decide soon - to be the strong man we first knew? 'Twould lighten things - so much - and yet that man - was not so dear - I guess you'd better not.

We pray for you - every night - a homely shrine - our knee - but Madonna looks at the Heart - first. Dear friend - dont discourage!

                                                                                                Affy, Emily.