Oscar Scheller
Take up the sheet me hearties
Water the deck with brine
Bend the oars, you lousy whores
None is bigger than mine
Three old whores in Winnipeg
Were drinking sherry wine
Says one of them to the other two
"Yours is smaller than mine."
"You're a liar," says the other old whore
"Mine's as big as the moon
The battleships sail in and out
And never come until June."
"You're a liar," says the other old whore
"Mine's as big as the moon
The ships sail in on the first of the year
And never come out until June."
"You're a liar," says the other old whore
"Mine's as big as the air
The ships sail out and the ships sail in
And never tickle a hair."
"You're a liar," says the first again
I'd blush to be so small
Many's the fleet they sailed right in
And never come out at all."