Ethel Waters
Come Up and See Me Sometime
I believe that everyone in life should have a mission
Making people happy is the height of my ambition
When I get them happy, well, they stay in that condition
'Cause I have a system all my own

I've got a lot, a lot of what I got
And what I got's all mine
And assure you I can cure you when you're feeling blue
Come up and see me sometime

I'm always in, keeps plenty gin
I'm ready, rain or shine
I'll bet you you'll be in a different mood before I'm through
Come up and see me sometime

You'll be at ease
You can relax and stay as long as you please
Just bring a needle for my talking machine
Heh, get what I mean?
And we can dance in between

I'll make the fire as warm as you desire
A cold room is a crime
If you don't get my meaning, then you're dumb as you can be
Come up and see me sometime
They say they're hot out there on that movie lot
Now, really, that's a crime
Please wire Mae West, tell her "Stay west," she's an Eskimo
Come up and see Waters sometime

These girls with it make me laugh, they don't worry me a bit
I'm hip to them trying to steal my lines
And I'll bet a fat man I've forgotten more than them dames will ever know
If you're in doubt, come up and see me sometime

It's just too bad
For any man who brags in my presence that he can't be had
You know why he's bragging? He just can't take it, he's not clever enough
He ain't so tough
When I'm interested enough to start doing my stuff

So take my advice and bring along some ice
And you'll find out why
The torrid zoom has such a temperature
Come up and see me sometime

I forgot, you better get the family doctor's okay
The pressure will be kinda hard when you come up and see me that time