Arab Strap
The Long Sea
You've always thought the first time
Was that night on the boat
Cramped up in the bottom bunk
While she slept up above

I suppose it's more glamorous
Out at sea under the moon

Instead of pissed at a party
While they laughed downstairs

23 years of foreplay led up to this. but sometimes I envy my friends, sometimes I see a world of opportunity. and what if it stays out there anchored in the middle of nowhere. maybe we should ar
To meet somewhere, you go out with yours, I'll go out with mine. you always thought the first time was on the boat, and you don't even like boats. when we got one on holiday, all you could say
Quot;don't go out to far." and what if it never comes back, it just stays out there. all my favourite memories are of you, all the best times were with you, but sometimes I see a world of o