The Sparkling Clam
Time is a precious commodity⁣

when you know yourself too well⁣

Know when you know better.⁣

I knew from the start this time⁣

The charm came too soon⁣

and I liked being adored⁣
but when he cast his net ⁣
I never got caught
Instead I slipped free⁣
and escaped his night trawl⁣

fell tumbling⁣

d ⁣
o ⁣
w ⁣

to a jet black ocean floor⁣

I shut my shell up tight⁣
every opening a risk to⁣
my soft grey centre⁣

Ssssssssssand sifted across my sea bed⁣

There was safety in solitude⁣

‘i can’t stay shut forеver’⁣

I dont need to.⁣

I just must avoid⁣

the fishermеn⁣
the sailors⁣
the soldiers⁣
the boys ⁣

who will suck⁣

out my pearls ⁣

peel off my shell⁣

boil my body ⁣
call me dinner⁣

Slowly but surely⁣

I became a sparkling clam⁣

spending days in sun rays⁣

on virgin gold sand⁣

elegant and violent⁣

strengthened by escape⁣

from the butchers above⁣

who knew nothing of love⁣

Just the ritual massacre⁣

“Bait Scrape Suffocate”⁣

One friday night I thought⁣

is death really worse⁣

than eternal loneliness? ⁣

Is the danger of damage ⁣

better than its absence?⁣

I spend my days in silence ⁣

at the bottom of the sea⁣

cool dark and clean⁣

now safe and serene⁣

yet I yearn ⁣

to open up⁣

and return⁣

to sea level⁣