If You Hadn’t Have Come Here, I’d Probably Be Alright
Are they kinda helpless? Little baby birds? Can they fly?


Can they run away?


They can? Are they easy to catch, or hard to catch?


Yeah. Well it's hard to remember. With the baby birds, what did you do?

Took 'em outta the tree.

And what did you do with them?

Played around too rough. Also one at the end, I picked it up, and I thought it was dead, and I came to say, "Mommy, is this bird dead?" And she said, um... She called daddy, and said, "Tim!" And, um... And daddy came and, um... I think I remember that they said yes.

Mmhmm. And so, so did the little baby birds die?

I don't know.

You don't remember?
I just remember, that I think I remember that mommy and daddy said the last bird we got was dead.

Mmhmm. Do you know what mom said to me? She said that all of them were dead. Did you squeeze them? Did baby Beth squeeze them? You're doing a good job honey, go ahead and tell me what happened.

I squeezed 'em.

And what happened?

They died.