Old Man Canyon
The Road

Take my eyes, don't blind me
Like the lies do, 'cause I'm through
Blow away the smoke that has been trapped around the truth
So we all can start to

See the ones we're passing by as brothers, sisters we lost long ago
Don't be afraid to lift your head to greet the eyes of those you share this with

And I don't know but I might see you there
And I don't know but I might see you

And I'll go the way less walked to find
All the roads that wind
Between the trees, over the seas I'll go
Till I'm home

And I'll go the way less walked to find
All the roads that wind
Between the trees, over the seas I'll go
Till I'm home
My lies away
Oh, I tried to save
Oh, your heart

I ran
From the crowds today
Oh, I couldn't stay
One thing I know

And I'll go the way less walked to find
All the roads that wind
Between the trees, over the seas I'll go
Till I'm home

And I'll go the way less walked to find
All the roads that wind
Between the trees, over the seas I'll go
Till I'm home