Jessica Pratt
Turn the pages of a book 'cause I can't even look
At the words there, tell me what they say
I can't even try to read the words sometimes

You go two by two just stepping to the door
Release me now, my lonely boy
The soldier's home from war

Everybody tells me
He's the kinda guy, you don't know why he does
Oh, stargazer, gaze for awhile
Let me love you, baby

Turn the pages of a book 'cause I can't even look
At the words there, tell me what they say
I can't even try to read the words sometimes

You go two by two just stepping to the door
Release me now, my lonely boy
The soldier's home from war

Everybody tells me
He's the kinda guy, you don't know why he does
Oh, stargazer, gaze for awhile
Let me love you, baby