Patrick Star
Taher Diss
My names Patrick star
And I don't have no make up line
I run the sea and run the shore
You can't get a hit and that's for sure

Those SoundCloud number are nothing but shit
Oh honey you really think that was a hit?
Your music sucks and everybody knows
You asked me write a number 1
But you never recorded it cause your ass can't even sing
You forgot the time when you came to me
Shaking and wanting me to save you
Bitch Get the fuck outta my face
Your singing sucks and so as your songs
Don't come to me thinking you run pop
Cause your songs just popped and they already flopped

Bitch You think you run the world
But you ain't even shit
You think you're so beyonce
Oh honey you're selenur
Go away before I finish you
Cause The last thing you want is me to be your enemy