Original Off-Broadway Cast of Emojiland
It’s Just So Great to Be Alive (Reprise)
Attention Emojiland! This is Information Desk Person coming to you live from the Information Desk. Hello and happy installation day to all of us on this beautiful 5.0 morning! Electricity is in the air as emojis greet one another for the first time.

[NERD FACE, spoken]
Perhaps the sentiment is premature but I can't help feeling that
It's just so great to be alive
Oh oh oh!

Peace, thumbs up, pound, ok, high five!

Oh oh oh oh!

[ALL, but SKULL]
We're all connected in Emojiland
By more than hyphens or an ampersand, oh!
Peace, thumbs up, pound, ok, high five, oh!
It's just so great to be an emoji!
It's just so great to be alive!

[SKULL, spoken]
Well, here we are.

In Emojiland!