How To Create Lyric Cards
❈ What are Lyric Cards?

Often, numerous users from the internet access Genius with the purpose of finding the lyrics to their favorite songs and sharing them on their social media.

On Genius, we can share "Lyric Cards"—images that showcase lines from songs on top of related images. We can access this feature by downloading the Genius app from the Google Play Store for Android or the App Store for iOS, as well as unofficially from an external website.
❈ How can I crеate them?

As mentionеd earlier, it can be done natively in the Android and iOS application, but there is a webpage that provides this function unofficially. ❈ Web browser1. Go to the following link. This website was created by Genius' former product design lead ehmorris.

2. Once you're on the page, download the image of the song you want to use; you can get the cover from the internet or iTunes Artwork Finder. If the song doesn't have its own cover art, you can use the album cover it belongs to.

3. Once you have the cover art, select/drag it onto the page, depending on whether you are on a PC or a phone.

4. Once the cover art has been added, different buttons will appear on the page, including the area for the lyrics you want to add. If the cover is not positioned correctly, you can move it by dragging it to the desired location.

5. Now, edit the default information and add the artist, song title, and lyrics.

In my case, I selected the song "Rap God" by Eminem

6. Customize the card to your liking using the buttons at the bottom of the page. Once everything is ready, click the download buttons. The left button downloads the Instagram image, and the right button downloads the Twitter image.

On the left are the customization buttons, and on the right are the download buttons
7. Once you click one of those two buttons, your lyric card will be downloaded!

​​❈ iOS1. Go to the page of any song. Once you're on the desired song, click the "Create" button and select "Create Lyric Card."
2. Here, select the text you want to display on the lyric card and, you can also change the style. Once everything is ready, click "Next."
3. After clicking "Next," you can choose to save the lyric card or share it on social media. After this, your lyric card will be ready!
​​​​❈ Android1. Go to the page of any song. Once you're on the desired song, click the "Create" button and select "Create Lyric Card."
2. Here, select the text you want to display on the lyric card and, you can also change the style. Once everything is ready, click "Next."
3. After clicking "Next," you can choose to save the lyric card or share it on social media. After this, your lyric card will be ready!