March 2016 Metal & Hardcore Release Calendar
Beseech - My Darkness, Darkness - 11/11
Hacktivist - Outside the Box - 12/12
Miasmal - Tides of Omniscience - 10/10
Oceans of Slumber - Winter - 13/13

Criminal - Fear Itself
Gadget - The Great Destroyer - 17/17
Killswitch Engage - Incarnate - 12/12
Obsidian Kingdom - A Year with No Summer - 7/7

Almanac - Tsar - 9/9
Blessed by Perversion - Between Roots and Darkness - 8/8
Crisix - From Blue to Black - 9/9
Gloria Morti - Kuebiko - 9/9
Human Fortress - Thieves of the Night - 12/12
Mob Rules - Tales from Beyond - 10/10
Mystic Prophecy - War Brigade - 11/11
Spiritual Beggars - Sunrise to Sundown - 11/11
The Word Alivе - Dark Matter - 12/12
Wormed - Krighsu - 10/10

Amon Amarth - Jomsviking - 11/11
Artillery - Pеnalty by Perception - 11/11
Caliban - Gravity - 12/12
Grimner - Frost mot eld - 10/10
Metal Church - XI - 11/11
Walls of Jericho - No One Can Save You from Yourself - 13/13