Genius English Translations
AKMU - 고래 (Whale) (English Translation)
Whale, at least I want you to have the ocean
I hope whales keep swimming as they used to

I’m an envious whale
Maybe everyone will
Maybe everyone’s trying to figure out
I don’t know if you want to cover the ocean

Oh, I admire your huge shadow
Your leisure on this wide ocean

Whale, at least I want you to have the ocean
I want to spray water over the dry sky

Don’t be afraid, no matter how loud the roar is
Because it’s not like thunder

Oh, I admire your huge shadow
Your leisure on this wide ocean

Mirror of the sky on the ocean like washbasin sea land
The sea, home of the dew and home of the Whales
Beyond the memories of the ocean mother’s tears
The heart of the earth’s breathing sea Whale

Oh, I admire your huge shadow
Your leisure on this wide ocean