IRIS Official
Chapter Two: Draw The Line
[NARRATOR: Carl G Brooks]
Long since Tyrant had been banished to imprisonment for opposing the deities' decision…
He was left free on a pardoning deal...

But while freedom was granted to the body, the soul was not inclined to follow suit. Father Tyrant lay desolate in his abode, slumped in a slew of pain and misery from within. His probation period had begun and was tied to his colony for what many would consider a millenia. A cruel punishment from the deities, but for what they feel is a just scolding.

However, while Tyrant occupied his time inside, he only learned to bottle his emotions. Who was there to talk? Who was around to bring sense? Nothing but a cold and gloomy attic filled to the brim with glowing lights of academic resource, known as Vigryl Orbs.

These orbs hold knowledge from the ages, tailored as a resource for study and gifted to respected colonies by the deities to grow smarter and become stronger of will and mind. But the more he possessed Vigryl, the more despair he feels. It boils inside, has the knowledge he's learned been corrupt in puddles of deceit?

Perhaps... Did they lie to their people?

These questions bring Tyrant to his feet, standing tall as he grabs hold of his chest, Vigryl Orbs catapulting to the walls, a ferocious roar emits from the monster inside that was trapped. It needed to be free... Tyrant has had enough.

It was time… To draw the line...