The Residents
Golden Guy
There was a Golden Guy, there was a Golden Guy
I loved to watch him fly, in the golden sky
There was a Golden Guy, there was a Golden Guy
I loved to watch him fly, in the golden sky

The Golden Guy was upper case, the Golden Guy was in first place
The Golden Guy was holding all the aces

The Golden Guy was in the news, the Golden Guy was blue suede shoes
The Golden Guy was secret rendezvous

The Golden Guy was samurai, the Golden Guy was legal high
The Golden eyes was infinitely white

The Golden Guy was French champagne, the Golden Guy was summer rain
The Golden Guy invented the fast lane

The Golden Guy was easy street sitting in the catbird's seat
The Golden Guy was melt-in-your-mouth meat

The Golden Guy could cast a spell, the Golden Guy was wedding bells
The Golden Guy had a voice like Elvis