Jenny Hval
Elephant Van Sant
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five
And five
And five

Feet through halls and halls and halls and halls
And I fall
With the sea nymphs
And pull them under the surface of the sky against
The surface of the water
The locker doors watch in silence
And clasp their combination hearts

A sunken ship
Full fathom five in underwater Portland
Of their bones are coral made
Hourly the bells, the bells, the bells
Toll for them, for them
Hark! Now I hear them
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong, bell

One, two, free, four, five
One, two, free, four, five

A thousand pearl mussel
Full fathom five in underwater Portland
Of their bones are coral made
Hourly the bells toll for them

To assemble algae
The classroom
The class (The class)
So close
The classroom
The class (The class)
So close (So close)
The class (The class)

The class