I Fucked a Turkey
I like to masturbate in the shower
I beat kids with autism
Down syndrome is my favourite joke
There are only two genders
Every other "gender" is a mental disorder
This was recorded on a Wednesday, or was it? Ahh!
I enjoy cancer jokes
Cancer is the answer to everything
Cancer is the answer
Filthy Frank is the dankest fucker I know
Ugh! Oh, boy!
Well, I wish I could beat my own ****, ahh!
(Cancer) Please help me
Bush did 9/11
Mexicans are rapists
They're bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime
Our only choice is to build that wall
I eat dry noodles
Oh, yeah, I love this beat
This is my fucking jam, you know?
Uhh, uhh-ehh
What's funnier than a kid with Down syndrome? (Cancer)
A kid with Down syndrome using a chemo patient's head as a gobstopper
If I was any more inbred, I would be a sandwich
Beating ***** ****** makes me feel empowered
***** orphans are funny
Slavery, slavery, slavery, more slavery
What’s funnier than *******?
Nothing (Bush did 9/11)
I can't not laugh at Bush did 9/11
(Cancer) We're about three quarters of the way through the song
Yeah, ahh!
Domestic abuse
Dab, dab, dab
Ugh! Yeah! Euagh!
I am enjoying myself way too much
It's like what happens when I **** a ***
I'm gonna turn that five millimetre hole into a fourteen millimetre hole
Yeah, boy
Define edgy