Come Make A Little Step Of Peace
Come, come make a little step of peace
For all the children in the world
Come, have fun, and give with all your heart
For all the children in the world
Help yourself, and help with all your friends
For all the children in the world

[Verse 1]
When all the children can smile again
The world for freedom born
When all the children can laugh again
Can peace be far away?
Come make a little step, first by yourself
Then all can sing again
Come on, comе make a little step of pеace
For all the children in the world

Come, come make a little step of peace
For all the children in the world
Come, have fun, and give with all your heart
For all the children in the world
Help yourself, and help with all your friends
For all the children in the world
[Verse 2]
Wenn alle Pänz widder laache
Dann es dä Fredde noh
Un wenn die Pänz nit mieh kriesche
Dann es dä Fredde do
Kumm, maach dä kleine Schritt, zoeets ens du
Mer weeden immer mieh
Kumm schon! Kumm, maach met uns dä kleine Schritt
För all die Pänz he op d'r Welt

Kumm un maach met uns dä kleine Schritt
För all die Pänz he op d'r Welt
Zeich e Hätz un jonn janz einfach met
För all die Pänz he op d'r Welt
Du un ich, jeder Einzelne zällt
För all die Pänz he op d'r Welt
Du un ich, jeder Einzelne zällt
För all die Pänz he op d'r Welt