Patricia Taxxon
Drummer Hoff
Drummer Hoff

Drummer Hoff fired it off

Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off

Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off

Sargent Chowder brought the powder
Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off

Captain Bammer brought the rammer
Sargent Chowder brought the powder
Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off

Major Scott brought the shot
Captain Bammer brought the rammer
Sargent Chowder brought the powder
Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off
General Border gave the order
Major Scott brought the shot
Captain Bammer brought the rammer
Sargent Chowder brought the powder
Corporal Farrel brought the barrel
Private Parriage brought the carriage
But Drummer Hoff fired it off
