Paul Williams
Drive Safe
Left your bedroom
Fully clothed
Fourth beer on the cusp of
Rancor and fear

Sped to this house
Dropped the pen
Said more than I wish I had

Not that I said much specific
I just talk too much and always forget

I was pushin’ eighty
Now that I am eighteen
And I could’ve lost all my teeth
But it wouldn’t matter less to me
I just wanna kick and scream
To get my way

But I couldn’t safely say
That I’m on my way home now

The last hour of last night
Spilt beer on the driver’s side

And I can’t help but be at risk
Drive safe in a raging fit
And I won’t get to specifics
I just made a wrong turn
And screamed till it passed

I was pushin’ eighty
Now that I am eighteen
When important matters don’t proceed
Until I have to slam the breaks
Already dead in front of me
Stopped too late

When I couldn’t safely say
That I’m on my way home now