Sacred Math
Spring Break '81
I poured a quart of St. Ives in a squirtgun
Pushing my parole to up and down road one
Getting girls drunk on that old blood red malt

Spring Break '83
My daddy's laid in bed with a pony
So we stole his Pontiac and went to Coco Beach
And we didn't come home for 6 goddamn weeks

Spring Break '85
We were torn up 'cause our granddaddy died
He would have wanted us to party
So we drank for 6 six nights
On the 7th day we rested like God would have liked

Spring Break '89
We were chopping crab legs in the lines
The Old Bay did burn and we bled out our eyes
But we agree it was a really great time

Spring Break '91
She got the caddy from her daddy
Stole the ____ from her mom
We were parked in White Cross just for whatever the fuck
Hoping to hallucinate and praying:
Never throw up
Spring Break '93
Saw some mischief up on BET
Roy Barry got married up in Dairy Queen
And the cops got called 'cause the wolf was in the jeep

Spring break '95
I lost my virginity to a pretty thing in the neighbors front lawn
We were walking the dog leash, happened to fall
And I missed my curfew 'cause the bitch got stuck in the swamp

Spring Break '99
My boy built a bomb shelter under sunrise to survive
Imagine a future without ____ and time
When your wives stocking up on sex wax in your bag of supplies

Spring Break 2011
____ burns in hell and Ron Jon descends from heaven
And one commandment etched on the Volcom stone
"Spring Break Forever" carved with the wax comb

Sacred Math?
Fuck that, take a bubble bath

Plus 14, 39
Nothing really changed since ____
A strange, strange way to reprieve
With nothing in it's ____
Throw that rope over the tree
And any trespassers will swing there for weeks
We must protect this beach
This is hard, this is all we got
So, link your ____
Dig your trenches in deep
The things are never as they seem
Fucking weather comes and tears apart everything
Wash the earth and start anew
Then we plant the seeds and watch it grow
Same old fucking cycle
Everything falls apart right?
We pray on the weak
And the rest of yal?