Puzzle (Fletcher Shears)
Personality Ransack
Every day I play with fire
Two dungeons deep
I'm wrapped in barbed wire
I’m in my worst attire
Just a balancing act
A personality ransack
A personality ransack

Only way to keep it alive is to kill it
Plant a new seed, soon be contaminated
Doing something right if you're always being hated
Blow it up big just to watch it get deflated
Nobody gives a fuck what your crying ass thinks
Nothing in this world is ever going to be in sync
10 years gone, before you get to blink
Running through the grassland or sinking in the stink
She's the woman in disguise, she’s the one who tells the lies

[Verse 2]
I already heard the spiel
Run from the wheel
Way you conceal is unreal
Cold as clay, cold like steel
Personality ransack
A psychic steal
Only way to keep it alive is to kill it
Plant a new seed, soon be contaminated
Doing something right if you're always being hated
Blow it up big just to watch it get deflated
Nobody gives a fuck what your crying ass thinks
Nothing in this world is ever going to be in sync
10 years gone, before you get to blink
Running through the grassland or sinking in the stink

She's the woman in disguise, she's the one who tells the lies
Man and woman, child and youth
It must be now you know the truth
She's the woman in disguise, she's the one who tells the lies
Fight against the ugly race, and the idle wealth that's lost all face
Man and woman, child and youth
It must be now you know the truth
She's the woman in disguise, she’s the one who tells the lies