Genius Translations
Feuerschwanz - Meister der Folter (English Translation)
(Feuerschwanz - "The jolly Master of Torture")

I used to feel so drained (broken on the wheel)
Impaled and also racked
Whipped, kicked and laughed at
I have discovered torture as my passion
Life seemed meaningless to me
So dark and so grey
I haven't had fun for a long time
And no woman either
So I went out to discover that
What really gives me a kick
Until then a wise man
Sent me to the torture master

I am the jolly master of torture
And I come with mighty rumbling
I know so many devices
And can operate them all
The people have respect for me
In the tavern I'm the first to get beer
Nobody really talks to me
But I don't really care
They all begin to talk, under the agony of torture

The master speaks: "Are you a pervert?
Or do you want to joke with me?"
"No, no, it's my greatest wish
And it comes from the heart."
So he shows me how man does it
I'm very surprised
The desire for women, yes, it's gone
I'm only cheerful anymore
I am the jolly master of torture
And I come with mighty rumbling
I know so many devices
And can operate them all
The people have respect for me
In the tavern I'm the first to get beer
Nobody really talks to me
But I don't really care
They all begin to talk, under the agony of torture

That's how I work day in and day out
In my torture chamber
My methods are refined
And I'm getting faster and faster
One day a boy comes in
He wants to learn torturing
I have to say to this thought
I was able to warm up a lot

I am the jolly master of torture
And I come with mighty rumbling
I know so many devices
And can operate them all
The people have respect for me
In the tavern I'm the first to get beer
Nobody really talks to me
But I don't really care
They all begin to talk, under the agony of torture
So I taught him everything
Raised him like my own son
But he wants my job
Yes, that was my reward
The boy is smart as hell
And denounce me
And so I'll lose my life
In my own dungeon now

He saws the bone, he rolls the gut
My blood stays heated for a long time
Then he stuffs me full of water
He wheels and stakes, he's really great at it!
Whipped, kicked and laughed at
I couldn't have done better myself
He burns my flesh with the hot iron
I feel like in the kingdom of hell

I am the jolly master of torture
And I come with mighty rumbling
I know so many devices
And can operate them all
The people have respect for me
In the tavern I'm the first to get beer
Nobody really talks to me
But I don't really care
They all begin to talk, under the agony of torture