Genius Translations
Vanta [GER] - Strömung (English Translation)
[Translation of "Strömung" (Current)]

A lament, when I leave
Sings the sun as it dies out
A lament, when I leave
Sings the moon as it leaves the stars

And the sun dies out
And the moon leaves the stars

A lament, when I leave
Sings the wind as it fades
A lament, when I leave
Sings my heart as it remains sealed

And the wind fades
And my heart remains sealed

This very moment thеy return
Attracted by the pain
Of my crying hеart
It keeps on going
In the pursuit of peace
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering
It keeps on going
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering
It keeps on going
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering

In the vastness of space my spirit floats
Searching for the light
In the vastness of space it floats away
Please, don't leave me
(It floats away)
Please, do not leave me
(It floats away)

My gaze drifts into the void
Lost in space
Abandoned by the senses
All that remains is pain
I collapse
The heart is jumping out of my chest
Please, don't leave me
Without you I'm all alone
I am afraid
Please, don't leave me
I am afraid
Without you I'm all alone
This very moment they return
Attracted by the pain
Of my crying heart
It keeps on going
In the pursuit of peace
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering

It keeps on going
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering
It keeps on going
Yet my spirit floats away whimpering