​cinema staff
Cinema staff - 極夜 (”polar night”)
If I close my eyes in this all encompassing darkness
There's no way for the unseen
This sadness, anger and unease
Is a phenomenon that will surely pass one day

How is it over there? It’s not cold, is it?
There's no need to worry, I'll be there with you soon

Let’s begin our last dance
The moon melts into the buildings
Fate weeps
I trace the city's silhouette

A song of parting far too quickly
The place where the east ends, Polar Night

The us that learned to put on a brave face
They're somewhat bittersweet, aren't they?
To live is to lose
I understand this, but still

Let's continue our last dance now
At the centre of the world
Tears dry, and blend into the horizon

The möbius strip tangles
From here on out the aurora will go unseen
How does a new country sound? It's not lonely, is it?
Don't worry, we'll go with everyone

Let’s begin our last dance
The moon melts into the buildings
Fate weeps
Draining euphoria

A song of parting far too quickly
The place where the east ends, polar night
Is dyed black