Richard Oberacker
This is Life
If we were in an MGM film
We would kiss and walk through that door there
If we were in a radio play
We'd admit we're friends but there's more there

If we were singing Hammerstein songs
We could fix all the wrongs in rhyme
But this is life with the heartache it brings
And we know that these things take time

If we were in a Hemingway book
We would laugh and drink 'till the morning
If this were a ballet then I might
Sweep you off your feet without warning

Or film noir with a dangerous affair
I would ask if you'd care to stay
But this is life
And I'm wondering if we should play it a different way

Maybe perfect nights of celebration
Hotel hallway brief flirtation

Might be overrated
Life's more complicated

We could write our own take on it

In our rooms alone, shake on it

Shake on it
This is not a Shakespearian scene
To declare my love in a sonnet
It's not Walt Disney's fairytale view of a time
And we're once upon it

This is not classic opera romance
Where there'd be a good chance I'd swoon
No, this is life on the edge of a cliff
And we're singing a different tune
Movies show the confusion we feel
Wrapped up in the last reel

So tight

So tight

But this is life
Not a scripted cliche
So it's best that we say goodnight