Christian Nodal
Aquí Abajo (English Translation)
Everybody talks, nobody knows the truth
People give their opinion from their position
From outside it's different, if only they knew how bad it feels
To be suffering due to heartache

Down here where we, the disappointed, are
Crying, smoking, drinking, and begging is almost necessary
That's how I am, and why wouldn't I be?
If my love has left me

Down here where you suffer for them, there's no options
Your days are wasted dedicating songs to them
With alcohol, but a lot of alcohol
Down here, one does suffer a lot

Down here where we, the disappointed, are
Crying, smoking, drinking, and begging is almost necessary
That's how I am, and why wouldn't I be?
If my love has left me

Down here where you suffer for them, there's no options
Your days are wasted dedicating songs to them
With alcohol, but a lot of alcohol
Down here, one does suffer a lot