PaRappa The Rapper
PJ Berri Jam
Hey Katy, I heard you started a band

[Katy Kay]
Uh huh. it's a great band!

(slurping noise)
Can't we help?

[Sunny Funny]
Yeah, we'd love to help!

[Katy Kat]
Hmm...It'd be nice if Sunny would design our costumes
Parappa, you can help us carry the equipment, buy snacks, and give us foot massages

Sure. Like always
What about you, PJ?

(slurping noise)
I'll have a chocolate frosty and a cherry pie

No, no, no. I'm talking about Katy's live show. What are you going to do?
Oh. Then I'll have six chocolate frosties and a large cherry pie