Hobo Johnson
The World’s a Scary, Scary, Place
[Verse 1]
The fucking world's a scary, scary, place
Where people judge other people just depending on their race
Or sex, who they have sex with
That means they care about who’s on who's own dick
That's gay as shit, you sound homo-curious
I bet you google weird stuff when your wife ain’t home
And your kids are gone, and your blinds are closed
We're all just being-full
I think the world's a scary, scary, place
So don't believe a fucking word that any person ever says
Just form your own opinions, understand that
They're not true nor false, but that's just kinda what makes you-you
I think the world's a scary, scary, place
But if every person smiled when I smiled
I think I could save the place, I'd be
A shitty superhero who would always save the day
With a really great joke and a shitty pizza from my shitty pizza place
The world’s a scary, scary, place
But at least we have each other
But some of y’all are just some scary mother fuckers
In the night, stealing bikes
When I have to be at work in 5 hours time
I'm sure they need it more than I
The world’s a scary, scary, place
So call your mother, make sure that you mother's okay
And if she isn't, then tell your mother
That you were just about to pray
And call the next day, and see if God is truly great
The world's a scary, scary, place
I love you all, but nobody ever seems to love me back
Maybe I should just communicate it better, but the fear
Of being weird that I was taught in scarlet letter makes me jealous
The world’s a scary, scary, place
Sometimes you really need to pee, but in Sacramento
The only place is the street
Because every single owner of every single store
Has never ever seemed to have ever pissed their pants before
The world's a scary, scary, place
The scary part is that I live in the single best state
Of the very best country in the whole entire world
And I find tiny, tiny reasons to be so ungrateful
The world's a scary, scary, place
But at least we have each other
But at least we have each other, at least we have each other
At least we have each other, at least we have each other