Go Bravely Ft. Shelly-Ann Gajadhar
[Spoken: Shelly-Ann Gajadhar]
Every day a hero is reborn
She finds herself, her voice, and her purpose
Not because life handed to her freely
But because she chose to
Accept life's gift of grace, bravely
You see, this life is one of testing
Testing our patience, testing our resilience
Testing how bad do we want our dreams and desires
Life says that all that we can visualize we can have
But the test come to determine whether we
Are seated in faith, courage, and conviction
Beautiful woman, so many times you have
Shrinked your being to fit into spaces you don't belong
Time and time again
You allow the world to dim your infinite light
Sometimes you even dim your own light
Who taught you these treacherous things?
Let this be a reminder that you are more
Expansive than even your own imagination
You are the universe, the galaxies, the cosmos
And everything that the Divine is
And so, because you are That, you are capable
You are gifted, and you are so unique
All of the things that you may
Hate about yourself are your strengths
It's okay to be soft
It's okay to be opinionated
It's okay to be different
And it's so okay to just be you
The world awaits to receive you
The world needs your smile, your uniqueness, and your essence
So beautiful woman, go out there and take up space
Let your presence be felt
Let your voice be heard
The world needs you, we need you
You need you
And so, enter the world as all of you
Go bravely